Lune Iyani

Requiem of Still Waters

A faint shiver weaves across his shoulders as he shakily pulls himself to his feet. Glancing up and down the gleaming iron thoroughfare of Garlemald, he stumbles to the edge of the room and leans his aching frame against the rusted metal railing on the balcony. Down in the vast steel cradle of the bowl that was city's structure, the night wind swoops and keens. On either side, the city glimmers, fragments of misplaced, unknowable feelings swirl through him, alcohol-fogged and slipping through his fingers.


** ☽ Age:** 33
** ☽ Nameday:** 16th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
** ☽ Gender:** Male
** ☽ Height:** 6 foot 5 inches
** ☽ Residence:** Shirogane
** ☽ Vocation:** Alchemist/Bounty Hunter
** ☽ Orientation:** ⚣ & ⚤


☾ A contrary viera with a penchant for the reckless, he's as like to cause problems as he is to solve them.
☾ Impetuous and disagreeable at the best of times, and can border on antagonistic.
☾ Bravery that borders on foolhardy, he'll be the first to sign up for a dangerous task--so long as it promises to be entertaining.
☾ A Devil-May-Care sort, it takes a great deal to rattle him.
☾ A man of an almost single-minded dedication--when he has a goal, he will see it done no matter the consequences.


☾ Few in Doma had been spared the fire of Garlean steel during the invasion; his village had been no exception. Severely injured in the attack, he had been left for dead.
☾ His family taken, he swore to free them, and followed to Garlemald.
☾ With his years in Garlemald, dreams of liberation for his family faded to the exhilaration of hunting Garleans.
☾ Forced to leave Ilsabard at the behest of the rebels he had fought with, Lune now struggles to understand and find a place for himself in an entirely foreign world outside of the front-lines of the war.
Full Bio here


🙨 /c/
🙨 Moon code ✔
🙨 Happy with long or short term rps
🙨 M/ERP good~
🙨 PST to get my attention, I'm often tabbed out of game.
🙨 21+ only (both IC and OOC)


Thrill-seeking: Lune doesn't tend to think rationally; if something excites him, he will seek it out, regardless of the danger. Whether this be missions, places, or people.
Dangerous Company: A reaper by trade, he's typically sensitive to others who are void-touched--and, typically, the same is true vice-versa.
Alchemy Enthusiast: Despite attempts to maintain an aloof demeanor, Lune is deeply enthusiastic about alchemy and loves to experiment. He is especially intruiged by others with such proclivities--especially if it offers an opportunity to learn from or work with them.
Tavern Crawler: Strange faces in stranger bars, Lune enjoys the company of intriguing strangers.
Frequently evading authority: Lune is no stranger to the wrong side of the law. Whether that be starting fights or creating alchemical concoctions that delve into the narcotic, he can be a familiar face to certain authorities.